This Agriculture Sector Policy and Strategy 2020 (ASPS 2020) seeks to put agriculture back on the forefront of CDB’s development agenda. It aims to guide and contribute to the transformation of BMCs agri-food system, making it more competitive, inclusive and sustainable. In this context, the immediate objectives of the ASPS are the development of: a…
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is made up of 15 Member States (MS) and 5 Associate Member States located in the English, Dutch and French - speaking Caribbean region, with a total population of approximately 16.6 million people. The livestock industry in some CARICOM countries is large enough to generate surpluses for export. Poultry (meat and…
The protocol governing CARICOM control, analysis and approval procedures for trade in animals and animal products.
Read the full regulation here: Protocol-Trade-in-Animals-Animal-Products